A good friend close to the Israel-based Women In Green movement named Renanah Gemeiner asked me to share this urgent message asking Jews concerned about land rights to contact Ministers/MKs to demand they hold a transparent discussion of the UAE deal scheduled to be voted on tomorrow (today in Israel). Below is their email appeal which came with 2 attachments:
URGENT: Do Not Vote without an in-depth discussion!
Dear Friends,
Tomorrow, ministers and Knesset members are expected to approve the agreement with the Emirates.
Join our call to them to demand a serious and in-depth discussion of the open and secret issues of the agreement: sovereignty, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, security and more.
Here is a link to the report on Arutz 7 and the 'Sovereignty' website. Attached also are the email addresses of the ministers and MKs. Contact them too, because the Land of Israel is dear and precious to us all! Each and every email makes a difference.
- ARUTZ 7 - To Ministers and MK’s Do not vote without a transparent discussion: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/288815
- SOVEREIGNTY SITE: http://ribonut.co.il/BlogPostID.aspx?BlogPostId=510&lang=2
Attached is our original letter and a list of emails of ministers and MK’s:
1. An Open Letter [PDF]
2. Contact Info for ministers & MK's [PDF]

Anybody who wants a copy of the Abraham Accords - please email us at ribonut@gmail.com and we will send it to you.
Enjoy UAE Peace, But Time Is Slipping Away...
Renanah also wanted to draw attention to my most recent post which highlighted the danger of getting lost in the euphoria over the UAE deal:
There is a grave danger in not destroying the 'occupation' narrative before the 'Palestinian' Arabs see the writing on the wall and decide to accept Israel's longstanding offer to give them 1/2 of the country to stop their terrorism ways. As I am known for saying...TRUTH BEFORE SOLUTIONS.
WRITTEN & POSTED BY: Mark Vandermaas, Israel Land Rights Trainer, mark@israeltruthweek.org
Mark Vandermaas trains Zionist activists to liberate Israel from the ‘occupation’ blood libel via his Israel Truth Week 'Liberating Israel' project. He has been called a ‘Damn Zionist’ by his enemies and an ‘Honorary Jew’ by his allies. He has organized pro-Israel conferences, appeared on Jewish and Christian TV for Israel, and personally trained over 650 Zionists and other pro-Israel people using his 'Jews Are Owners, Not Occupiers' message. His rule-of-law activism during the Caledonia, Canada crisis between 2006 - 2012 has been cited in two books: the bestselling Helpless, by Christie Blatchford, and in Gary McHale’s Victory In The No-Go Zone.
Copyright 2017-2020: Mark Vandermaas